Mobile applications

 Our team has rich credentials in developing mobile apps for various platforms like Android.

PC applications

We has the credentials in application development in PC environments includes: Windows, Linux, Java etc.

Embedded GUI applications

EmSysLabs have ported different GUI libraries on to various embedded systems and developed applications like: Android, DirectFB, X11, GTK+ etc.


Nowadays significant share in embedded systems has a capable display systems with multi-touch interface. We have been working in such systems for the more than a ten years and know in-depth the technologies associated. We have ported different GUI libraries on to various embedded systems and developed applications in the following technologies:

  • Android
  • DirectFB, X11, Nano-X
  • Qt, Qt Embedded, GTK+

We also has rich credentials in developing mobile apps for various platforms. We have developed enterprise grade Android applications. With our user centric design, we follow an agile UI development practice based on well researched findings. Our designs are highly interactive and can be tailored to provide a personalized experience to the users. Our team is skilled in C, C++, Java, Python other tools and frameworks. Though use of smart phones have increased manifold, computers still enjoy a chunk of market share when it comes to technical markets. It calls for application development that is highly functional as well as easy to use.